
Tuesday, 2 January 2018

My Future with my Wife

The question is "Will my relationship with my wife continue to be a lasting and fulfilling one?"

Hmmm, let's have the Moon represent the focus of the question - the marriage. Moon is besieged as it's between Uranus and Neptune, the modern malefics. The marriage is on the rocks, it seems. Moon is applying by conjunction to Neptune and sextile to Pluto. Neptune suggests discontent, some kind of illusion/deception. I wonder whether there's a fling of some kind as the 5th house of romance and pleasure is involved. If that's not the case, the illusion/deception or disappearance involves a "friend" of the wife as the turned 11th is involved. The word friend is in parenthesis as things are not what they appear when Neptune is involved.

Following that is a transformation of some kind. There will be obsessive or compulsive words or thoughts. Or there's a major change in the overseas travel of the wife.

Chiron is smacked on the 10th. There's a wound, hurt that's obvious and clear to the public. As Chiron is ruled by Venus in 7th, the wound relates to the wife. There may even be an affair as there's the presence of Venus in his wife's house (7th).

The future with his wife is likely to involve some transitional disruptions in the short run. However, given that Uranus isn't involved, I don't see any permanent separation or divorce.

my relationship with wife husband horary
Based on Derek Appleby's Horary Astrology


"He and his wife had separated at this time (early summer of 1983). She had become involved with someone else. In late October 1983, I was delighted to receive a letter telling me that his wife had come home and they were attempting to make this relationship work."