Your goal or resolution is to watch and enjoy a new movie. The movie is 2 hours long. Due to another traffic jam, you were delayed and entered the cinema when the movie has already played for 1.5 hour. You didn't quite enjoy the movie as you missed 3/4 of the show.
Your goal or resolution is to plant carrots and have them for salad. You sowed the seeds in autumn (which I imagine is too late). The carrots didn't come out well. You didn't meet your goal or resolution.
So it is with setting annual resolutions or goals, there is a time to start them. If you miss the starting time as illustrated in the examples above, chances are you are unlikely to realise them.
When is the Time to Set Goals?
The Cycle of Goal Setting
- On your birthday: set your goals
- 1.5 month later: the results of your efforts in the goals show
- 3 months later: you exert effort to realise your goals. You might encounter challenges that test the effectiveness of your goals and/or effort.
- 4.5 months later: You can't change the outcome of what you have been doing for the past 4.5 months. You can reap the achievement of your goals in 1.5 months time. Or you might realise that you are unsuccessful in your goals by now. Use this time to plan for your new ones.
- 6 months later:
- If you have made the right moves for the past 6 months, you enjoy the attainment of your goals.
- If you haven't been successful, now is the time to start on your new goals. In either case, watch out for people who might have a different view/belief from you, especially authority figures or men.
- 7.5 months later:
- You have enjoyed your success, now is the time to re-evaluate on what you can do with the success to further capitalise on it.
- For those who started new goals 1.5 month ago, you should see the seedlings of your goals appearing now.
- 3 months before your next birthday:
- It's a time of putting into action the adjustments that you decided on 1.5 months ago. If you manage to pull them off, more victory awaits you.
- For those who started new goals 6 months ago, this is a time of stress-testing your goals to identify any areas that may require strengthening.
- 1.5 month before your next birthday: this is a time to rest and take it easy to prepare for the next phase of goals. It's a time to let go of any aspect of your life that's beneficial to you.
What Goals to Set?
* If your birthday falls in early January or early July, your new year resolutions may actually work assuming that you start work on your resolutions in early January.