Progressed Ascendant
Progressed Ascendant is entering her 2nd house in November 2020. Before then, there will be a shift from doing and experimentation to consolidation and stability, perhaps involving her personal resources.
Here are the aspects made by the progressed Ascendant, which is quite a lot:
- Applying semi-sextile to natal ASC and quincunx natal DSC - a sense that her approach to the world requires some adjustment, e.g. from being fair and nice to being controlling and powerful, but may be uncertain how to go about doing it. There's a need to reconcile her relationship needs and her expectations of the outer world.
- Applying sesquiquadrate to progressed Mercury - a sense of frustration and conflict between thoughts pertaining to one-to-one relationships and how she approaches things. Some patience may be advised because she can act on her thoughts
- Separating sesquiquadrate from natal Sun in 7th - some inner tension and frustration relating to her sense of purpose from relationships
- Separating trine from natal MC - there's harmony between her future and inner goals and ambitions and how others see her and how she approaches things in general
- Separating square from natal Jupiter in 11th - how she see things is at odds with her long-term aspirations and groups that she may belong to, e.g. online forums with members sharing similar interests, background or objectives.
- Applying square to progressed Jupiter in 11th - this is reminiscent of the above aspect. So we would expect a prolonged sense of the above.
- Applying square to natal Saturn in 5th - there's tension between her expectations of the world and serious or structured fun or committed romance
- Applying square to progressed Moon. Natally, ASC trine Moon - tension between her feelings which isn't usual for Arena.
Progressed MC
Progressed MC makes a separating square to progressed Sun in natal 8th house. A need for stability and tactility (progressed Sun in Taurus) and being hidden doesn't quite gel with creative leadership. Some adjustment is required to align her public face and herself.
Progressed Sun
The progressed Sun makes or receives no aspects to other planets and angles in the natal or progressed chart.
Progressed Moon
Her progressed Moon is back in Aquarius about 5 months ago and in the 5th house about 3 months ago. The progressed Moon is back in its natal sign and house. Arena is likely to feel comfortable, status quo, that she's back to doing what she instinctively like best - having freedom and individualistic expression of herself in activities that she enjoy.
Here's the aspects made by the progressed Moon to natal planets and points:
- Conjunct Saturn in Jan 2018 - Feelings and emotions are blocked, relating to home and pleasure as Saturn rules the 4th and co-rules the 5th natally. Feeling a sense of duty and responsibility within home and family.
- Conjunct Moon in August 2018 - the progressed returns to its natal position. A new beginning relating to her inner feelings. She might feel that her mother is wounded emotionally, which may translate into physical symptoms, thereby taking actions with her body. Alternatively, Arena may feel that her new job involves being a teacher or counselor to children where she invests energy into nurturing them.
- Semi-sextile Uranus in Sep 2018 - a sense of frustration or blind spot relating to radical changes or unexpected events at home or desiring freedom and independence from her past
- Semi-sextile Nep in Dec 2018 - a nagging feeling that her home situation is in a state of fluctuation
Progressed Mercury
- Mercury is separating from a quincunx to Pluto. Thoughts or communication leading to a transformation in her personal resources. With a connection to her career or mother as progressed Mercury is ruled by Mars.
- Progressed Mercury is on the verge of making a square to Chiron in 10th. Thoughts of being a teacher or counsellor to children as Chiron is disposed by Moon in 5th.
Progressed Venus
Venus has gone a long way from Taurus to Gemini and from 8th to 9th. It's nearly at its end of a semi-sextile between the progressed and natal Venus. This suggests a sense of inner tension between relating to others in a methodical and system fashion with a focus on intimacy and a more light and adaptable style of relating perhaps with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Indeed, the sextile between progressed Venus and natal Mercury suggests that her new blended style of relating to others harmonizes easily with her communications with others in a one-to-one basis.It's also interesting that her natural orientation to the outside world has changed from staying hidden and uncover (chart ruler in 8th) to the 9th which represents education, venturing into unexplored territories.