Regus's career, future indeed looked rosier during this time period:
- A newspaper published a very positive piece on him on 4 November
- He had a musical performance and talk on 7 November after a hiatus which was very well received
- He finished a communications training on 11 November. The training is an integral piece of the puzzle relating to his future
- He started trading in a market fair for the first time on 12 November (see notes below. Natally, MC ruler aspects Mercury which represents trade and commerce)
- He started a group and the first meeting was on 2 November. However, this is slightly out of the 1 degree orb.
- Communication is a key theme for him - the natal MC co-ruler is Jupiter which aspects Mercury
- There's manifestation or accomplishment of some kind - natal MC co-ruleraspects Saturn
- Almost inevitably, something new took place - natal MC co-ruler aspects Mars
- Natal Venus in 3rd aspects Neptune - there's favourable or pleasing news, communications
- Natal Pluto in 5th aspects Neptune - something involving serious and deep recreational interests
- Natal Chiron in 12th aspects Neptune - a teacher or guide in spirituality, healing of being alone, feeling trapped.