Let's see what really "happened" during the transit. Using a 1 degree orb, the transit kicked in from 16/9 until 26/9. The notable events during this period include:
- Submission of a take-home written exam on 17/9
- Final physiotherapy session on 18/9
- Was paid for a batch of classes for children in advance on 21/9
- Went for a blood test and a musical performance on 22/9
- Set up shop in a new location for the first time and had 3 paid customers on 23/9
- Did a few goodwill services for others on 24/9 and had 1 to 2 paid customers on 24/9
- Looked at a number of office space on 25/9
- Started first training session involving communication skills on 26/9
- The 2nd house as a number of events involved money
- The 3rd house as some events involved studying, communication, place of work and life
- The 6th house as on hindsight, there's a radical change (Uranus) in everyday life