Very interestingly, I was told by a client who said that I use "may" and "might" extensively during a consultation. And that is construed by her as being uncertain and unsure of what I'm saying. !! Astrology is a language of symbol. It could mean anything!
Then I realized that she is primarily Taurus - Sun (Chart Ruler), Moon, Mercury, Mars and MC. She's into something tangible, systematic, methodical, definite. Which is so not me, generally speaking, at least from a communication perspective.
From now on, I'm going to spell it loud and clear at the start of a consultation to new clients, especially those high in Taurus, "Astrology is a language of symbols. Symbols means different things to different people at different times of their lives. Therefore, we are going to explore what these symbols may mean to you. And I will use "may" and "might" during the consultation."