
Saturday, 10 February 2018

Saturn-Mercury Transits

Transiting Saturn is making an opposition to my natal Mercury since some days ago. I am certainly not consciously linking astrology to every single facet of my life. But, I couldn't help but think I'm feeling the effect of Saturn on various aspects of Mercury now.

My computer has been slow. It doesn't help that when I asked horary about the quality of the reburished laptop that I had bought, it showed Saturn directly on the cusp of the 3rd house. I didn't return it due to the cost of returns, etc. But it's even slower now if that's possible.

I had submitted paperwork to a government authority and it has been returned to me twice, even though there's no Mercury retrograde. It had been returned to me because the documentation wasn't in order. I had never encountered that for similar paperwork in the past. Despite resubmitting the new documentation, I'm still waiting for the government office to get back to me.

After so many years, I found that I have to work on my accent again. I worked hard at it some year ago (maybe during Saturn return?). And just today, I'm very dissatisfied with the way I talk. Accent would be under the remit of Mercury. It doesn't help that I have a natal Mercury-Saturn square.

My studies have been slow and delayed. Okay, it doesn't help that I have fingers everywhere - learning or reading up about website building, search engine optimizations, developing website contents, learning about how to be a better piano/keyboard teacher, astrology - horary, forecasting, relationship, financial and I betcha that there's more. Oh yes, taxation for companies and individuals, company law for companies in Ireland. Oh dear. I'm surprised at this list. Saturn must be wacking my ass to get me to focus on my knowledge.

It's not all slowness, delays and restrictions. There's Mercurial manifestations too. I'm making youtube videos to teach adults how to play keyboard. And I have plans for astrological videos/recordings too.

The above is my take on Saturn opposition Mercury transit.