
Saturday 6 January 2018

Is there a Chance for this Relationship still?

Uranus on the 7th. The other person wants a break, a radical break and separation. South node sits on the 7th. The other person is the past. It's time to pick up the pieces and move on.

Jupiter yells at us from the 10th. A middle aged person is involved? Jupiter rules the 5th and 9th. An overseas romance, fling? Or turned 3rd and turned 11th. A message from a friend.

Let's look at the Sun and Saturn. The querent is obviously the fonder of them two as it's the faster moving cosmic body. Hmm, there was a separating opposition. Maybe they broke up some time ago.

What about Moon and Saturn? The Moon is besieged - stress and difficulty felt by the querent. The Moon next applies by trine to a dignified Venus, sextile Pluto, sextile Saturn and conjunct Uranus. The ending doesn't look optimistic. If we disregard the modern planets, that leaves us with the Moon square Saturn with Saturn receiving the Moon joyfully. That upgrades the square to a sextile without reception. Some effort is required.

What would I say to the querent? If she is seeking a long-term relationship, he is not the man for you. Besides, he wouldn't be able to give you what you need emotionally (the querent feels and needs to be nourished and natured while Saturn withholds and restricts), unless he consciously adjust his behaviour and mindset. This can be tough as Saturn is in Taurus, a sign of stability. It's best to move on.

Is there a chance for the relationship still