
Sunday, 16 July 2017

What do Venus & Mars Represent in Straight/LBGT Charts?

I have always found the role of Venus and Mars in heterosexual and homosexual men and women confusing. What follows are my thoughts on the subject which is a work in progress.
Amongst many things, Venus and Mars represent the femininity and the masculinity principle respectively. The key is to know:

  • the principle a person identify herself/himself with; and
  • the principle the person identifies for and attaches to the partner/sexual interest.


Most women, whether straight or gay, identify with the femininity principle within them i.e. Venus. Venus represents how they see themselves as a woman, how womanly they feel. It represents their womanhood in essence. Thus when we would like to explore how they express their femininity including their sexual preferences, we look at their Venus to do that. However, there might be "more masculine" lesbians or straight women who identifies themselves stronger with the Mars in their chart. Then, we would look at their Mars for their sexual preferences.

For straight women, we would look at their Mars to appreciate the type of men that turns them on. That is unless the straight gal assigns Venus to her man. Conversely for gay women, we would look at either Venus or Mars to understand the type of women that excites them, depending on the principle that the person identifies for and attaches to them.


The above reasoning is applied to men  as well:

Most men, whether straight or gay, identify with the masculinity principle within them i.e. Mars. Mars represents how they see themselves as a man, how manly they feel. It represents their manhood in essence. Thus when we would like to explore how they express their masculinity including their sexual preferences, we look at their Mars to do that. However, there might be "more feminine" gays or straight men who identifies strongly with the Venus in their chart. Then, we would look at their Venus for their sexual preferences.

For straight men, we would look at their Venus to appreciate the type of Venus that turns them on. That is unless the straight dude assigns Mars to her woman. Conversely for gay men, we would look at either Mars or Venus to understand the type of men that excites them, depending on the principle that the person identifies for and attaches to them.

What about transgender folks? Again, I think it's the principle that they identify with and assign to others. For the genderless folks, I think you would consider both Venus and Mars as it seems that they are equally balanced in the Yin and Yang side of things.