What are some of the keywords associated with Scorpio (see note 1)?
- Transformation, renewal, destruction including birth and death, major changes
- Interdependence including sexuality, emotional intimacy,
- Depth and uncovering of something
- Power
- Other people's resources including partner's money, inheritance, taxes
Let's just explore death or rather the theme of "a wound of death" in greater detail:
Perhaps an event happened or there was a certain situation that existed - you might be exposed to death at an early age, be involved in life after death experiences, etc.
When you are physically wounded, there’s a tangible mark on your body. Your consciousness is drawn to the pain. You are more than aware of the existence of the wound - you may be very aware of the fragility of life and mortality. There could be suicidal tendencies or fantasies.
Even when it’s underneath your shirt and can’t be seen by others, it is very real to you - it's not apparent to anyone what you are going through. And often maddeningly, they say that you are fine!
The pain can be so overwhelming and may make you feel so isolated from others - there could be a sense of abandonment in any matter relating to death. This has an effect on how you manage your thoughts and feelings about death.
Unfortunately, the wound that you have is magical. It can’t be fully healed - the same thoughts and/or feelings about death keep resurfacing throughout your life, in one form or other though perhaps with different intensities.
To manage the pain, you might do tons of research on it, get advice from experienced folks, etc - you might get advice, guidance or even mentoring from wise people regarding your unique relationship with death.
So much so that you become an expert on it and are able to teach others how to heal their wounds which are the same as yours just that they are non-magical. You can show others how to heal the wound but you can only manage it yourself. - you might be volunteer for the Samaritans or other suicide prevention charities. You might work in palliative care, be a grief counsellor or even write a book on the subject.
Since the magical wound doesn’t quite go away, you invent ingenious solutions to manage it - I believe in skilful channelling of planetary energies to appropriate outlets so that they are unable to wreak havoc in our lives. In this case, for Chiron in Scorpio, I believe at the very least, there's a transmutation of some sort in how you live your life given your exposure to death. Perhaps you live life intensely with much gusto as you are aware that life can't be taken for granted. Or perhaps you live life with gratitude each day. As the nature of a Chironic solution is ingenuity, it is left to each individual with this placement to discover one that fits their unique requirements.
The above is just an exploration of one of the infinite possibilities of Chiron in Scorpio.
Note 1
Some of you would say that the keywords or phrases relate to the 8th house or Pluto instead of the Scorpio sign. The purists would say that signs are qualities through which planets express themselves. And houses are the arenas of life where planetary energies most readily express themselves. Therefore, it's inappropriate to equate signs, planets and houses. My personal thought on this is that the so-called ABC system of astrology, i.e. giving signs, planets and houses equivalence, is very helpful in modern psychological astrology in unfolding the archetypal qualities of placements, especially in natal interpretations.