She skipped a step here - will she ever meet someone? (and if so, when would that be?). The woman is still relatively young at 37 years old. So, yes unless the chart shouts no. Let's see - Saturn is sitting in the 3rd house. It doesn't affect her nor her beau. Lord 7 just escaped the Sun's combustion although it's under the sun beams. So, her beau is safe.
So, yes! The lass will find someone and get married! Woo Hoo!
Note: The Ascendent is in 3 degrees something. Some astrologers consider that as too early or premature to ask the question. I think that could certainly the case as she's thinking of moving to another city. Perhaps, there's different love odds in different cities?
When Will I Meet My Prince Charming?
The question is: when will she meet that special someone? She's signified by Venus and the Moon. While her beau is represented by Mars and the Sun. Note that Venus is in Taurus. She's ready for love! Moon, being her co-significator is in Leo. She's ready for some fun and romance!There's no aspects between Venus and Mars, none between Sun and Venus.
First Prince
Moon first makes an applying sextile to the Sun when it changes sign to Virgo. Hurray!The Moon perfects the aspect at 6 degrees Virgo. Moon has to travel about 10 degrees before perfecting the aspect. Moon is in a mutable sign and succedent house - suggesting a medium term. Perhaps, she will meet her prince in about 10 months time???
How does she feel about this guy? Moon is in the face of the Sun. It seems that there is no-one out there and there's a guy who's interested in her. So why not? The Sun is in the sign of the Moon. The guy geniunely loves her. Oh no, a unreciprocated love.
Second Prince
Moon eventually makes an applying sextile to Mars when it changes sign to Virgo. The Moon perfects the aspect at 16 degrees Virgo. Moon has to travel about 16 + 8 = 20 degrees before perfecting the aspect. Moon is in a mutable sign and cadent house - suggesting a medium term. Perhaps, she will meet her prince in about 20 months time OR longer given that Moon will be in a cadent house and Moon has no reception with Mars?????
How does she feel about this guy? Moon is in peregrine - drifting around, looking for the perfect guy. Mars is in the sign of the Moon. Again, The guy geniunely loves her. Oh no, another unreciprocated love.
Someone Else
Moon also makes an applying aspect to Mercury and perfects it at very roughly the same time of the Moon - Mars aspect. IF we take Mercury to be a man, the Moon is in the sign of Mercury and exalts Mercury. Our woman is absolutely besotted with this man! But this man is not her partner as it's not Lord 7 nor the Sun. But this man loves her! (Mercury is in the sign of the Moon). Mercury rules the 12th house. So this might be a love from afar with no confession of it or it could be an affair?