I was doing a reading for a client using horary astrology. The question is: When will I meet that special someone? You may think that I have plenty of practice when it comes to using horary astrology for relationship questions. The truth is that I'm a noob in it really. I have only been practising the techniques for less than 2 weeks.
Anyhow, the lesson that I have learnt is to stick to my guns no matter how keen the client is to know a favourable answer when the chart says otherwise. Neptune was sitting on the Descendent which rules my client's special someone. I told her that the situation is "unclear". Blah! Surely I could do better than that! I thought that the modern astrological meaning of Neptune would be different under horary astrology. But surely that's not the case? I ought to supplement my response to her by saying that things may not be what they seem in her relationship(s).
Interesting, she's experiencing a Neptune transit over her Venus. And she did meet someone who's not who he claims to be. Although Uranus is also transiting over Venus at the same time which led to her cutting off the relationship. Both Neptune and Uranus had just hit her Venus. The second and third hit have yet to come. I wonder whether the horary chart is saying that the same guy will be back in the picture? Anyhow, horary astrology is supposed to be stand-alone from transits. But I'm curious as to how the 2nd and final hits of Neptune and Uranus play out?