
Monday, 26 June 2017

Looking for a Soulmate?

What is a soulmate?

Does a soulmate equal to great sex? What if you feel connected to your soulmate but sex is lousy?

Do you have to be physically attracted to your soulmate? What if you are just not physically into him/her?

Is there only one soulmate for you on the entire Earth as some people claim? If this is true, how do you find your one and only soulmate among the world's current population of 7.5 billion? What if your soulmate doesn't speak the same language as you?

What if your soulmate is of the same/opposite gender as you and you are straight/gay? (I suppose this is where being a bi helps ;) )

What if your soulmate is already partnered with someone?

What if your soulmate is 20/30/40/50 years younger or older than you?

What if your soulmate has a really disgusting or annoying habit but both of you connect at all levels - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually?

Do you get my drift? The word "soulmate" is a loaded word and it can mean different things to different people. When people say that they are looking for a soulmate, I think they actually mean that they are looking for someone whom they are attracted to and compatible with, including being able to connect with them.

If you are really looking for a soul-mate, perhaps your soulmate is one of your church mates or someone who has the same spiritual beliefs as you?

So, are you looking for a "soulmate" or someone that you are attracted to and compatible with, what I call a partner?