Monday, 12 June 2017
Another Hit to my MC?
I won't deny it. I have been facing challenges in my accounting career since a few years ago when transiting Neptune conjunct my MC. It was an hellish experience and possibly the worst period in my career. I managed to stay on in my job but the last few years have been lackluster. Yes, I'm attributing or blaming the tough period in my career to astrology to the Neptune transit. But, I'm also thanking Neptune for bringing astrology and other spiritual studies into my consciousness which I wasn't interested in for most of my life until the Neptune transit.
I really thought all is behind me when Neptune moves out of orb to my MC. But it doesn't seem to get "better". My solar return Sun since last year has been in the 12th house, which is great for preparation and work behind the scenes although things can get really unstructured. My upcoming solar return Sun will be in the 10th house, which I kind of look towards with anticipation and with some dread - the ruler of the Sun conjuncts the cusp of the 8th house and the MC is in the same degree as the lunar nodes!
More importantly, Uranus is squaring my Sun now. Sun is in the 2nd house of money, one of the three houses of work. The effect of Uranus on my Sun theoretically shouldn't be an excessive shock to my system given the natal Sun - Uranus trine. But with the Uranus square Sun transit, I do feel impelled to act to manifest my individuality (and consequently impact my finances or values which gives me security) whereas I have been happily quiet and passive about my individuality in the past.
And, that's not all. Pluto is going to make a sextile to my relocated MC soon. Yes, yes, yes, it's a sextile but it could mean an easy and uninterrupted flow of Plutonian energy to my relocated MC! The interpretation is there's going to be sort of transformation to my social status. That's not all though. Relocated MC conjuncts Uranus. The transiting Pluto may consequently activate the Uranus. Furthermore, relocated MC is ruled by Mars which is in the relocated 6th house which conjuncts Mercury, my natal chart ruler.
Oh dear, what should I do with all these happenings in my professional arena? Practise what I preach to my clients. Walk the talk.
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