
Saturday, 18 February 2017

Following the Untrodden Path

Have you heard of Sabian symbols? The story goes that an astrologer worked with an psychic to "brainstorm" 360 images to describe the 360 degrees in a circle or wheel that astrologers use in their consultations. 

Anyhow, I was reading the one that my midheaven / MC is in - Pisces 7 which says " Illuminated by a Shaft of Light, a Large Cross Lies on Rocks Surrounded by Sea and Mist." I am certainly not very acquainted with Sabian symbols as I am with astrology. So I read a few websites on Pisces 7 to glean some insight into those somewhat haunting words. Blain Bovee's blog captured my attention. Here are some of the key messages:
Like rugged wilderness paths that are marked only by the occasional paint spot on a rock, one must be alert and attuned to the surroundings and develop an internal compass in order to find the way. 
Every new geography is like this: maps are not available because no one has walked this way before. Relying on maps that have informed bearings in the past only serves to a limited extent. If this brings up trepidation and irritability, you are lost. 
Going your own way calls for an internal compass, not a map. The inner compass is a good one. It invokes higher functions and resourcefulness for every situation. Start with stillness within. Ask for a spirit guide to assist.
Blain's words are simply and breathtakingly beautiful and very insightful to me. Especially the bit "Every new geography is like this: maps are not available because no one has walked this way before. Relying on maps that have informed bearings in the past only serves to a limited extent." which makes complete sense to me. I think of pioneers - the Wright Brothers who invented the first plane, Steve Jobs who had the vision to come up with the ipad/iphone, J.K. Rowlings who persisted in writing her books and many others. IMHO, they were going on the untrodden paths and venturing into foreign territories. Strange, exotic and perhaps dangerous landscapes that others have shy away from. Kuddos to them for their courage and bravery!

Since my Midheaven is in Pisces 7, that's what my calling in life is about. A most apt description if you ask me.  What's Sabian symbol is your Midheaven on?

Recommended books for exploring Sabian Symbols