
Sunday, 1 January 2017

Horoscope - January 2017


Have lots of me-time now. If you are into charity or work that improves society, there's never a better time to engage in such activities now. Use your time alone to reflect on your unconscious thoughts and behaviour that unwittingly sabotage you. I bet that you aren't even conscious that you have them. Alas, the reality is that we are products of our past. Ask yourself: Am I unconsciously acting in a certain way that causes people to go against me? By working on yourself, you change the lens which you view the world and how others view you. What a beautiful world.

Helping others without expecting anything in return can be satisfying.

Chances are that career matters get highlighted this month followed by home and family matters in the second half of the month.


This is not the time to fly solo in whatever you do. Be part of groups and engage others. Hang out with your friends. And yes, get others on board for that fantastic work or ideas of yours. In order to be successful, be a leader in a team.

This is a great time to spend time with your friends. Even if you don't usually enjoy being part of (large) groups, you may find yourself enjoying them now. You may find a love in your friend, and a friend in your love.

You may have an heightened interest in studying, travelling or philosophy of life during the first half of the month. After that, your attention may shift to events that are in your backyard, anything that is familiar to you, e.g. routine travels, communication, paperwork and siblings.


Oh boy, you sure work hard on your career. Just make sure that the ladder is leaning on the right wall. Work on something that you can be proud of and satisfies you. Work wise, if you play nice and aren't perceived as a threat to others, others with the resources are more inclined to help you with your ambitions. Look for common ground between you and others. Perhaps your personal interests aren't too different from the other person's after all.

Your business or profession life seems more smooth-sailing than usual. It's not luck. It's your pleasing thoughts, behaviour and actions that attract things, people and circumstances to you. If you are dating someone, that person is likely to be older, your boss or helpful towards your career.

A major change in your life may take away your attention during the first half of the month. After which, your attention shifts to money matters, or even your values and the value you place on yourself.


You don't have to convince others of your beliefs. Why is it that important to convert others into your way of thinking? Is it to satisfy your ego that you are right? Don't get into endless fights with others over soomething that's residing in your cranium. Invest your energy properly. Why not look for ways to expand the boundaries of your mind? Studying, travelling or do something new fits the bill.

Any new experiences that you usually shy away from becomes pleasurable. Do something different, e.g. travelling, studying or talking to someone with a different background than you, today!

Your focus for this month is your personal relationships along with matters involving your body, appearance or even your independence in the second half of the month.

Those born on 29 June (and possibly 28 and 30 June as well)

The coming 12 months may be an important period for you where you may make a decision that affect your life for many years to come. The decision can be on anything really - a house move, getting married, a new career or starting a weight loss programme.


Don't be afraid of change. Change is the agent of a better life. How does you and your partner (life, partner or otherwise) view money or life? Are there any significant differences that need to be worked through or to reconcile?

All (aspiring) witches and wizards out there, this is a good time to work on your magic or occult studies.

Money may come through to you through your spouse, business partner without any special effort on your part. This is a good time to get a loan or financial support. Watch out for any secret(s) about your most intimate personal relationships coming out to the open. Fix them if necessary when the secret is out.

Routine work and your health take center stage of your life during the first half of the month. Following that, you may desire some peace and quiet.

Those born on 28 July (and possibly 27 and 29 July June as well)

The coming 12 months may be an important period for you where you may make a decision that affect your life for many years to come. The decision can be on anything really - a house move, getting married, a new career or starting a weight loss programme.


It takes two hands to clap. Likewise, in any relationship or partnership, it's not all about you or the other person. Use this time to work on the relationship so that both your partner's and your needs are met. What do you and your partner really want? Can you give some and take some in this relationship? Who says relationships are easy? They can be tough cookies. Fortunately, you have the energy to make them work. It's your choice.

Your relations with people - romantic and professional partners, your colleagues, clients and even your enemies are at all-time high. Aim for win-wins outcomes with the people that you deal with. If the other stars are also shining at you, a new love may enter your life.

For the first half of the month, you may thinking fun, leisure, lovers and children. After that, your attention shifts to your friends and goups that you belong to or maybe even your hopes and dreams for the future.


For the employed, is it possible for you to work on something independently for this time so that you recognised for your efforts? If that's not possible, remember you are not what you do at work. You are paid for your service. So, use all those energies of yours to do what you are paid to do. Remember you are not a servant to the wishes and whims of your employer nor your job. If you are really that unhappy, why not be self-employed so that you can do things your way? Exercise away all those frustration if they come up. It really helps.

Work becomes more pleasant than usual. Resist any temptation to eat like a pig now.

Home and family matters are important to you this month followed by your career in the second half of the month.


No one is stopping you from being who you are. Frankly, it's always been up to you to express yourself. Expend your physical vitality on physical activities like sports and recreational love making. When it comes to romance, you are more physically demonstrative than usual. It's your lover's body that stimulates you rather than his/her soul now. For those with children, keep them and yourself busy with sports and activities that are pleasurable to all of you.

A time to luxuriate yourself, your loved ones and children. Pick up that paintbrush, dance, sing, draw, write or do anything to express your creative self. Or you could always go to an art gallery, a museum or a concert.

You may focus on familiar areas of your life - siblings, thinking patterns, communication, paperwork during the first half of the month. After that, you shift your attention to new experiences, for example, travel, study, foreigners or just simply watching a new TV series.


Ghosts of the past may visit you and stalk you from a distance, making you fidgety for unfathomable reasons. Be conscious of your actions. The past is history and shouldn't affect what you do and think unless you allow them to. On the other hand, home life buzzes with great activity. Work hard around your home to accomplish the hearts of your desires. Watch out for disagreements with family members though. Hold your tongue when you need to for they are blood after all.

Work wise, it's best to keep a low profile. People at work may think differently from you now and oppose your actions. Perhaps strive to understand their perspective and empathise with them, just like how you would treat an angry customer.

Your relations with your parents are cordial this time. Spending time at home seems nicer than usual. Why not invite some friends or even your parents over? You may feel like doing up the deco of your home this time. Avoid buying anything that's out of your budget.

Money matters are likely to be on your radar during the first half of the month, followed by any changes in your life, sex or resources that you hold jointly with another person or people.


Many happy (belated) returns of today!

This is a great time to promote and sell your ideas to others to further your causes even if you are not a sales promoter or marketer. Remember this though: a solid idea can stand on its own without having you to threaten to kill anyone who wants to examine it closely. With everyone killed or frightened away, who's left to appreciate those lovely ideas of yours? Your communication skills get enhanced this time. Use it to your advantage but speak your words with care and caution as they can be a double-edged sword. We don't want any casualties, do we?

Your everyday environment looks more pleasing than usual. Interactions with your friends and neighbours will be nice and pleasant. This is a good time to let people know how much you love them. Common, don't be shy.

Your appearance, body or health takes center stage this month along with your personal relationships in the second half of the month.

Those born on 29 December (and possibly 28 and 30 December)

The coming 12 months may be an important period for you where you may make changes that affect your life for many years to come. The change can be anything really - a house move, getting married, a new career or starting a weight loss programme. Don't be too surprise of the change when it does appear, be it through outside events or a change within yourself.

Those born on 7 Jan

Brace yourself for a major transformation in your life today. You come to Earth with a specific purpose in life. Along the way, there are things that have come up that block you from your life path. The change removes these blockages so that you move ahead with your life direction. It is essential to your growth and direction in life. Breathe in deeply and let go.

Those born on 10 Jan

Expect the unexpected today! Remember though: whatever happens, it's nobody's fault. Strain and tension may be in the air but it's up to you to respond with positivity.

Those born on 11 Jan

A day of eureka or "aha" where you realise the significance of something that you went through in the past. You can finally make peace with it and become a wiser person. A scientifically proven method of being happier is to practise gratitude. Today is a day to count your blessings. As you receive, give - be generous and give to others what you can.

Those born on 12 Jan

For about a week around your birthday, you may be filled with tons of self-confidence and optimism which helps things to go your way. Watch out for over-optimism though - try to look before you leap into anything hastily. Control any urges to be overdramatic when a situation doesn't call for it.


Many happy returns of today if today is your birthday!

You are not your bank account, what you own or even your talents. You are you, a human being. Buy what you need not what you want unless you have a magic wallet. It's all right to defend your values and what you value but don't waste your time to fight with others over them.  Unless you get a real kick and money out of it of course. Instead, use what you own and have to get work done.

The law of attraction states that as you think money, money comes towards you. Some unexpected financial opportunities or possessions may turn up. You may desire pretty but sometimes impractical things which may burn a hole in your pocket.

You may feel like some me-time or to be left alone for the first half of the month. After that, you may shift your attention to your daily routine including work and health.

Those born on 28 January (and possibly 27 and 29 January)

The coming 12 months may be an important period for you where you may make changes that affect your life for many years to come. The change can be anything really - a house move, getting married, a new career or starting a weight loss programme.


You are blessed with peak physical energy during this time. Use your energy and this time to further your own agenda and interests. Being insensitive to other people probably won't help you in your drive to succeed.

Such a charmer, see if you can charm the pants or skirt of anyone you meet. People are drawn to your pleasing and agreeable disposition. For some people, you may be too eager to please others - stand up for yourself! This is a good time to have fun and pleasure, whatever that means to you.

You may focus your attention on your friends and groups that you belong to in the first half of this month. After that, you switch gear to pleasurable activities, creative pursuits or even your children or lovers.